Sunday, December 30, 2018

Arthritis: A Pharmaceutical And Non-Pharmaceutical Approach

Arthritis can be a very painful complication that plagues many people all across the globe. Arthritis can cause pain in the joints, especially the knees and also inflammation. Here, in this article, we shall talk about some of the ways in which you can deal with the pain of arthritis and ensure that it is significantly reduced.

Ease the pain by taking medication and supplements:- You are likely to be prescribed medication and supplements to deal with the pain. This is when the pain is excruciating, recurrent or unbearable. Do not take un-prescribed medicines. If you are willing to take medicines all by yourself, at least talk to your doctor about what you are planning to intake. Why is this important? It is important because when the doctor prescribes medication, he takes into consideration or previous medical records and your medical history, all-together, in order to avoid, overlapping of medication and side-effects. Usually, people take over the counter analgesics, like acetaminophen that helps reduce the pain in the affected area. However, you need to understand that the medication may not be effective in dealing with the inflammation or the swelling. Serrapeptase can help you deal with the inflammation.

Yoga:- One of the most effective and long-term solutions to arthritis is yoga. Yoga is an all-around solution. It is basically a non-pharmaceutical approach and perhaps can be the only way to deal with it where you no longer have to use medicines. Also, yoga enhances the range of motion and flexibility which is highly compromised when suffering from arthritis.
For 200 hour yoga teacher training, consider Path of yoga

An Approach To Control Diabetes

Diabetes in today’s world is probably the most common and frequently occurring chronic ailment with long-term complications. It is a group of metabolic disorders in which we find a high level of sugar in the blood, for a prolonged period. Diabetes demands a lot of attention and care. It requires that the entire lifestyle of a person affected by diabetes be changed. It cannot simply be managed by medication, which is a very integral part of the process of keeping diabetes under check. The medication is to be supported by a healthy and planned diet that keeps sugar level in the blood flow, an exercise on a regular basis and weight loss. A lot many things, together combined, go into the treatment of a body diagnosed with diabetes. Added to that are the complications associated with diabetes, like cardio-vascular complications.
Although diabetes requires a high degree of medication, people today are seen taking a different approach to treat diabetes and its associated complications. Massage therapy, of late, has been popularly sought after to treat diabetes and its associated complications. It has certain relevant and important benefits. It has been observed that in diabetes, blood circulation is poor. A thwarted blood circulation is not as good as it can lead to other serious cardiovascular complications. Apart from relaxing the body and reducing blood pressure, good massage therapy also ensures a regulated supply of blood and oxygen to all parts of the body.
In other words, it helps facilitate the functioning of the circulatory system in the body. Regular massage therapies flush out lactic acid from the muscles and ensure the flow of oxygen-rich blood, throughout the system. One of the key aspects of maintaining a good hold and control over diabetes is to make sure that one is physically active and fit. Regular exercise is important. Resorting to yoga is an excellent way to do that. It regulates the circulation of blood in the body, which, as mentioned above is something that is really important. Again, it can neutralize the excess sugar in the blood.
For international yoga teacher training, consider Path of Yoga. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Some Things Yoga Can Make You Realise About Women

Whether you go to any yoga retreat in Chiang Mai or in Mumbai, you will come across a number of facts about women. Look around the world and you will find out of all the yoga practitioners, 70% are women. However, we are not saying that men do not practice yoga and their figure has also jumped by 4 million in the past 2 years. This blog excerpt is from some of the real-life experiences of a yoga veteran and his observations on women.

Women are stronger in their will and determination:- Women are strong-willed individuals. Just having bigger muscles do not make you strong, your strong mind does. Men might try their muscles to strongly come out of the discomfort but women on the other hand, intuitively judge the situation.
Women are more conscious of the space around:- Yoga perfectly speaks about the strong conscience of the women. They have a great sense of awareness about their environment. This is the skill that men lack. Men only observe the upper environment while women can completely understand the change in the environment.

Women are more complex beings:- When men arrive a new place, they just come and either adapt themselves or resist being at the place strongly. On the other hand, women are complex and they would scan the whole environment before to determine if the location for them is ideal or not.
If you wish to observe these signs in the behaviour of different personalities, you can reach out to the Yoga retreat in Chiang Mai

Meditation Has The Transformation Power

Yoga is all about a balanced mind and heart. Meditation is the key aspect of yoga and we start yoga with meditation and end with it all. Meditation has the power to meet your inner self and a minute of practising meditation can deal with high practicing anxiety in children. We have taken this excerpt from the personal experiences of Mallika Chopra, who is the daughter of two yoga veterans, Rita and Deepak Chopra. The parents taught her meditation as early as in the age of nine.
Meditation had already transformed the lives of both the couple and they wanted to shift the legacy to their daughter as well. Deepak Chopra is a doctor and he was highly stressed out due to work in the US but he found his relaxation in the mediation and mediation really changed his life. Meditation actually provides a control to your life and it helps you manage your stress. You can control your bad habits and most importantly, you can connect with your inner souls.
While Mallika started meditating, it changed her life as well. She became happier and her happiness made her more productive in work. She found herself better connected with her family and she feels, meditation is the best gift her parent could have given her. Meditation, mindfulness and yoga are age-old practices that carry importance even today.
For kids as well as adults, these techniques are blessings and the person who learns to adopt this in his life, attains peacefulness. Yoga is the best for kids when we are witnessing hyper stimulation of social media, the loss of silence and overscheduling of thing.
Yoga and meditation is the best, if you are looking for the best yoga teacher training in Thailand, you can reach out to us anytime. 

Sunday, November 4, 2018


Fitness is something which all of us require but in this bus1. Less time, effective exercise:-y world, we are seriously not paying any attention to our fitness needs and we are becoming a patient of obesity day by day. If you want to avoid any long-term losses of your body, then you have to be little active now. If you are not able to match your requirements, then you can follow some of the tricks that are given below:-

1.Less time, effective exercise:-
Even if you feel exhausted or tired, you can manage a short exercise which require less time. Some of the effective exercises that you can perform in less time are: jumping jacks just like Taylor Swift or you can make weird faces. By doing this you will definitely feel better.

2. Follow a mixed routine:-
Do not feel bored with your schedule as you can add someone or two yoga asana in your busy schedule which will help you to energize yourself. Or else you can go for jogging or can do dance. This will not only make your day more cheerful but also you will not feel tired anymore.

3. Eat healthy:-
If you are lazy and doing exercise makes you go to sleep, then you can just have a healthy diet, but make sure that you do not add any junk food in your diet.

4. It is not about exercise, it is about body shape:-
If you keep on thinking about the type of exercise you will perform, then you will never be able to perform better. So from today onwards, start thinking that you are performing an activity that will help you to maintain your body in shape and will keep you healthy in your old age.

5. Sleep Well:-
Being fit is not the only priority. If you feel boring or sleep for the whole day, then you are not doing justice to your body as well as to yourself. Do not ever lose your sleeping hours. Work is important but having a good sleep is equally important.
If you need some more information regarding exercises, then you can take help from a yoga therapist. You can find best yoga therapists who have the highest yoga qualifications in UK.


Even if yoga and Hinduism are inter-related to each other, you should not be confused and take it as a religion. Yoga is considered as a part of spirituality which is a part of the unruffled lifestyle. According to studies, yoga reduces risks of medical issues such as diabetes, asthma, heart disease, and high blood pressure. There are many more benefits when you perform yoga which most of are not aware of. 
Here are some amazing facts about Yoga that we all must be aware of-
Derivation of Yoga:-
The word ‘yoga’ is derived from a Sanskrit word ‘Yuj’ which means join together or to yoke. The main purpose of performing yoga is to unite body, mind, and spirit. 
Yoga has eight branches:-
How many of us really know that yoga has eight limbs or branches???.... I think half of the population is not aware of this. The eight branches of yoga are:- 
“OM” is considered to be the Yoga symbol:-
The symbol “OM” is found in both Tibetan as well as Hindu philosophy. As it is said to be the primitive sound of the universe and it is considered that it is connected to the Ajna Chakra or the third eye. 
Yoga is found in the oldest texts of the world:-
In the west area, yoga is considered to be new, but in the eastern region, it is considered to be a way of life for thousands of years. According to Hindu mythology, Rig Veda is one of the oldest elements which is found in yoga. 
If you are a beginner and do not know how to perform yoga, then you can easily attend yoga therapy workshops. You just need to find on the internet by typing best yoga schools in the world and the result will be in front of you. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Steps Towards Emotional and Spiritual Health

Emotional and spiritual healths are two important aspects of the overall health of a person. This article deals with these aspects and ensures how to achieve them, in the first place.
spirituality is a very beautiful journey through self-realization whose one of the end products is peace. Spirituality teaches you compassion, makes you happy, content in life and also promotes health and progress. Through spirituality you can promote both mental and physical health. Through spirituality you can achieve peace of mind.

Yoga and Meditation:-
Yoga and meditation is, perhaps, the most effective way to achieve a perfect balanced life. Mediation heightens the abilities and the performance of the brain. It enhances your cognitive skills. It enhances blood circulation. It increases your ability to think clearly. It helps you to build a very decisive character. For excellent yoga training, consider path of yoga teacher training.
Stress management:-
Try everything at your disposal to relieve yourself of stress. Stress is quite the reciprocal entity of peace. Peace of mind cannot be achieved when you are stressed. Make sure that you are tensed or stressed. There are many ways to deal with stress. Good food and exercise (yoga and meditation) can play important roles in eliminating stress.
Balanced diet:-
A balanced diet can lead to good physical health, which in turn can promote good mental health and peace of mind.
Regulated and moderate consumption:-
There are many health benefits of mind. For example, wine can enhance the health of your heart, the skin; the even has oxidants that not only boost up the immune system but also kill cancerous cells in the body. The effects if wine are multi-faceted. It helps you relax and fight stress and help you attain a good state of mind and will also make you feel extremely positive.

Benefits of Yoga That Are Not Commonly Known

It is a well-established fact that the benefits of yoga are actually multi-faceted. Some of these benefits are extremely well-known and some are lesser known facts. This article deals with some lesser known facts.

Soothe your sinuses:-
With yoga you can actually sooth and cure (in the long run) your sinuses. The basic yoga such as the asana and the meditation, enables you to improve you physical and mental health. But there is more to yoga. With sound manipulation through yoga, you can actually soothe your sinus. Chanting is the right tool for the purpose. When done in a group the impact is very powerful. The humming sound of the chanting, such as ‘OM’, facilitates blockage and soothes sinus. 

Stay drug free:-

yoga has some serious health benefits and among the many advantages this one is particularly of much importance-
Yoga helps you improve you immune system. When your immune system is not weakened, you do not easily fall ill. This means that your body is strong enough to fight off most pathogens. Also, yoga reduces the potential danger from diabetes and blood pressure. This means that you do not have to rely on medicines to heal you. In a way you are making yourself drug free. When you go drug free, you reduce the possibility of the harm and the side-effects that these medicines can cause your body. Hence, make sure that you stay drug free to all possible extent.

Reduce pain:-

With yoga you can potentially reduce pain in the body, in the joints, the back and the neck. For yoga teacher training certification, consider Path of Yoga. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

How Can Your Social Life Benefit From The Practice of Yoga

Time and again people have talked about the multi-faceted nature of yoga. But to what extent do these benefits reach? Do they go beyond the physical and mental body? Yes. It does. Yoga has a keen role to play in making your social life healthy. This article is primarily concerned with some of the social benefits of yoga along with the biological benefits and the impact that yoga has on the mind, body and soul.

Yoga encourages self care -
This a primary benefit of yoga. Yoga encourages self-care. In most cases, when people are taking medicines under some circumstance, they are actually only being secondary and passive recipients of the care. But with yoga, when you practise yoga, on a daily basis, it reflects your desire to perfect not just your body, health and mind, but also your life. The more you engage yourself in the practise better are the conditions that you want to provide yourself. Over time you become more committed to yoga and in the process you make yourself healthy, strong and beautiful.

The impact of the philosophy of Karma Yoga -
The philosophy of karma yoga encourages people to reach out to others and help others. Practicing yoga would also mean that you imbibe the philosophy behind the practice. And in the process of giving something to others, you are technically giving something to yourself in the form of good health, healthy mind and spirit and a happy soul.

Enhanced social/familial bonds -
yoga inculcates the ideas of compassion, love and brotherhood in a person who has been practising it for quite some time. Yoga also calms the mind and the soul. This means that you are more tolerant of everything. This enhances your ability to deal with problems resolutely. This also strengthens your bond with the people.
For yoga teacher training in Thailand, consider Path of Yoga. 

Hacks to Prevent Skin Aging

Skin aging is a sign of unhealthy skin. Premature skin aging is actually an indicator that you have been unable to provider your skin with the care that it really needs. And being the largest organ in the body, your skin does need protection, which we may sometime fail to provide the skin with  this article deals with some of the many aspects of maintaining a healthy skin.

Is your skin UV protected?
UV brings major damage to the skin. Our skin is extremely sensitive to UV rays and upon being exposed to UV, our skin can severely be damaged. Hence, it is to be screened from the UV and its associated harmful effects. UV also speeds up the process of skin aging. This is precisely why we need a broad spectrum sunscreen lotion. Make sure that it is water resistant, in turn making sure that the lotion is not removed from the skin due to precipitation during the hot days or when you are directly exposed to the heat of the sun.

Exercising on a regular basis -
Choosing to exercise on a regular basis is a giant leap towards a very healthy, fulfilling and complete lifestyle. Choose a work out regime and work on it on a daily basis. One of the best and the most effet8ive and all-round beneficial form of work out is yoga whose effects are not only physical but also emotional and psychological. When you work out during the process of yoga regularly, you ensure that the circulation in your body is excellent. It ensures that the nutrients that you intake are regulated throughout the body. Your skin needs proper nutrition just like any other part of the body.
Facial yoga -
Facial yoga is an excellent means to ensure that you have a healthy and wrinkles free skin. Also, you need to massage the muscles on your face on a regular basis. The facial muscles are like any other muscles in the body that needs care. This will help your prevent the formation of wrinkles. Do the same for at least 20 minutes every day, for a healthy, wrinkle-free, young skin. 
For the best yoga retreat in Chiang Mai, consider Path of Yoga.